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Diciembre 2009

    Nueva versión de Userlock de Isdecisions

    Documento sin título



    I am happy to announce you that UserLock 5.5 , the new version of our flagship security software for Windows infrastructures, will be released on Thursday December 3rd .

    UserLock 5.5 comes with numerous enhancements and new features. UserLock 5.5 indeed can:

    - send a lock notification when a password protected screensaver starts
    - automatically logoff a session locked for longer than a specified time length
    - remotely power off computers
    - deploy agent settings using Group Policies
    - ...

    You will find detailed information about UserLock 5.5 new features in this PDF document .

    IS Decisions' Team stays at your full disposal to provide you with any assistance you might need to efficiently market UserLock:

    - Joint Personalized Webdemos
    - Pre-sales technical support
    - Customized quotations

    si desea más información, pongase en contacto con nosotros a través del 902160145 o envienos un mail a abox@abox.com