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Julio 2006

    NetAdvantage for JSF 2006 Volume 1

                    Infragistics® NetAdvantage for JSF
    2006 Volume 1  

         Product Marketing Information Sheet

    ***Product Support Policy Change



    Product Name

    Infragistics NetAdvantage for JSF

    2006 Volume



    Powering the Presentation Layer with NetAdvantage for JSF

    1 Sentence Description

    Infragistics NetAdvantage for JSF is a set of AJAX-enabled JavaServer™ Faces components for building commercial class UIs for J2EE applications.

    25 Word Description

    Infragistics NetAdvantage for JSF provides AJAX-enabled JavaServer™ Faces components for building commercial class UIs for J2EE applications. Includes grid, tree, tab, menu, calendar and input components. (26 words)

    50 Word Description

    Infragistics NetAdvantage for JSF is a comprehensive set of AJAX-enabled JavaServer™ Faces components for building commercial class UIs for J2EE applications.

    Infragistics NetAdvantage for JSF includes a grid, calendar, menu, tree, tab, listbar and input controls. All components are AJAX-enabled, with built-in styles and fully customizable look and feel. (49 words)


    200 Word Description

    Infragistics NetAdvantage for JSF is a comprehensive set of AJAX-enabled JavaServer™ Faces components for building commercial class user interfaces for J2EE applications.

    Infragistics NetAdvantage for JSF every major UI control including a grid, calendar, menu, tree, tab, listbar and input controls. All components are AJAX-enabled, with built-in styles and fully customizable look and feel.  NetAdvantage for JSF 2006 Volume 1 provides the ability for teams to build high performance, scalable J2EE web applications. This release also ships with design time support for Sun Java™ Studio Creator.

    NetAdvantage for JSF runs on all the major application servers including BEA Weblogic™, IBM WebSphere®, JBoss®, Tomcat, Caucho Resin®, and Sun Java System Application Server.

    Always innovators, Infragistics includes an annual subscription as part of the Infragistics NetAdvantage for JSF 2006 and NetAdvantage for JSF 2006 with Priority Support, as well as full source code for all of its JSF controls.  Source code allows the developer not only to feel secure in his/her purchase, but serves as an ideal learning and debugging tool.  Gain the advantage now with NetAdvantage for JSF. (176Words)

    Top Benefits

    ·          Deliver high performance, scalable, responsive J2EE Web applications with our AJAX-enabled components that can load and handle large data transfers without postbacks

    ·          Reduced development time.  Our JSF components provide a tag interface that makes it easy to integrate the component on a Web page and connect it to a data source.  The built in Smart Refresh™ technology provides automatic updates between the component and the model so the developer does not have to write any refresh code.


    ·          Deploy rich, high fidelity, and visually stunning line-of-business applications using our many build in component style points.  The look and feel of the components can be easily controlled using standard CSS style sheets



    Positioning Statements


    Why one consolidated toolset?

    Consolidating on a single presentation layer toolset allows you to create consistent user interfaces across all enterprise applications


    Standardizing on the Infragistics NetAdvantage for JSF toolset will reduce your R&D cost, maintenance costs and end user training costs.


    Development teams will experience greater leveraged learning from one project to the next when your enterprise has a strategy in place as part of its application development lifecycle for developing the presentation layer.


    Today’s professional developer must meet the demands of producing J2EE Web applications with a polished look and feel. Infragistics’ NetAdvantage for JSF offers a full range of unprecedented style points for the JSF components. 


    The value of including Source Code in the NetAdvantage Subscription and Enterprise Editions

    The inclusion of source code was something Infragistics’ customers asked for, and we agree that it adds great value to the NetAdvantage offering. Source code gives developers three major benefits: it provides the security of up-front code insurance; it's a wonderful debugging and learning tool; and source code allows for extensibility of our components.


    A comprehensive framework solution, not just a collection of components

    Infragistics NetAdvantage 2006 is a true framework, not just a collection of disparate controls. Infragistics labored hard before writing a line of code to devise a mature architecture based on shared assemblies and common object models. This creates what we refer to as leveraged learning, meaning the effort to learn the first of our interface elements lets you learn the rest much easier. It also makes it easier to create standardized interfaces for your applications and even create your own elements by extending and inheriting visual elements from our Presentation Layer Framework™. It’s a primary reason for corporations to standardize all their development teams on NetAdvantage for JSF 2006.

    What’s new in NetAdvantage for JSF 2006 Volume 1?


    ·          It’s all new



    Benefits for Developers

    Faster, easier, better development

    Benefits for Development Managers

    Bring in projects ahead of time and under budget

    Benefits for Senior Development Managers – CIOs

    Insure best practices, lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and greater Return on Investment (ROI)

    Source Code for NetAdvantage for JSF means faster learning, easier debugging, and if desired, easier customization of our controls for you

    Leverage our JSF source code for easier debugging, faster problem resolution, and an inexpensive learning tool and programming guide for your developers

    Source Code is included with NetAdvantage for JSF, which also includes Subscription and is available with Priority support,  providing asset assurance, lower development cost, and reduced risk

    Developer friendly licensing means you can use your licensed copy of NetAdvantage for JSF on all systems you develop on – primary desktop, test machine, home machine and laptop

    Developer friendly licensing means lower development cost and less administrative work, and easy budgeting

    Developer friendly licensing means lower TCO and no run-time royalties –  no server-based deployment fees mean lower, totally controlled costs against budgets

    Priority support means priority support when you need it

    Priority support means less down time waiting for response, especially when you are in the critical, final testing and deployment phases of a project

    Infragistics Priority support insures higher ROI and lower TCO through maximum utilization of resources

    More than just a product, Infragistics provides extensive on-line help, reference implementations, a “living” knowledge base, a personalized support portal (DevCenter), use case samples, reference implementations, and of course JSF source code your purchase, which means full support to help you learn, maximize, and troubleshoot

    Our full support and developer-friendly services and policies, such as Priority support, means faster, better use of our products with less down time waiting for responses, allowing developers to produce better applications in less overall time

    Supplementary services, such as Priority support, insures higher ROI through better support of your development teams and maximum utilization of resources

    Ease of use, which means we have made it quick and easy to access online help, DevCenter Content, Code Samples, and more

    Ease of use, which means with each release of NetAdvantage we are adding new Designers, Style and Behavior Presets across all elements, making it easier for developers to replicate Microsoft style look and feels in a shorter development life cycle

    Ease of use, which means we have made it quick and easy to access online help, DevCenter Content, Code Samples, and more

    Rich, AJAX-enabled JSF controls, which means you can program your thin client applications to avoid numerous round trips to the server

    Maximize utilization of the AJAX-enabled JSF infrastructure, which means you can give your users the rich interfaces and interaction they are used to while satisfying management’s requirement for thin client deployment

    Well architected AJAX-enabled JSF, which means you get the thin client deployment you want while giving users the rich client experience they demand, ending up with applications greatly appreciated by users and reducing TCO through instant server-based deployment


    Easily construct applications with the latest UI presentation metaphors – often as simple as a change of one property, which means less coding, more consistency and easier code leveraging

    Deliver interface metaphors your users want with less development effort, which means faster, less costly project delivery

    Built-in styles for professional polished interfaces, which means delivery of applications that your users appreciate for less cost, lower user training, and overall development costs

    Sun Java Studio Creator IDE support for visual design support. Less time spent in the UI design and more time spent on the business logic of the application makes for a more satisfying developer experience.

    Makes it easier for developers to understand the properties and features of the components, which lets them use the components to their fullest extent, with less time spent in the UI design and more time spent on the business logic of the application.

    Reduced development time increases ROI and efficiency. More projects, faster, with less time spent in the UI design and more time spent on the business logic of the application.

    Section 508 Compliance meaning tools within NetAdvantage for JSF can contain information within applications which is made accessible to the blind and visually impaired – 508 Compliance is vital in the healthcare and government industries

    Built-in Section 508 Compliance means less manual implementation and less coding to comply with strict US government accessibility stipulations.

    Makes it easer to meet 508 compliance requirements, therefore gaining the ability to bid on or be considered for more government work and a wider range of applications.